Monday 31 October 2011

history of advertising

advertising is a form of communication  used to persuade an audience viewers, readers or listeners to take some action with respect to products, ideas, or services.
Click to show "coke a cola advert" result 1
This was one of the first advert to be broadcast on TV. You can see how good adverts have come the last 50   
years from the coke advert above to the one below the coke advert.  

1 comment:

  1. Again, this research is very short and not detailed enough, especially seeing as I gave you two websites that contained ALL of the information you needed to answer the questions so you didnt have to look far. You have copied and pasted information from the internet at the top of the page and instead you should be working on writing in your own words at GCSE level. You must make more of an effort to answer more of the questions in a research task as this is very short. Some nice pictures found though..

    INSTITUTIONS = 4/20 = F
